Social Connections
Adding social login to your application is a great option for familiar, low friction end user authentication. Passage currently supports a set of the most commonly requested social providers with more coming soon. You can see the available social connections in the Passage Console under Authentication -> Authentication Methods in the side navigation.

By configuring a social connection in Console, enabling any social connection will display the correlated login with provider button on your authentication element.

To ensure your social connections are ready to be used in production, you’ll need to turn on “Use custom credentials” and configure your own OAuth app/OIDC client for each provider. You will need the Authorized redirect URI from Console (pictured above) to complete the setup in those providers. Here are links to docs on how to configure apps and clients for each provider we support:
Testing with Passage Developer Credentials
By default, Passage allows you to test social connections without setting up your own custom credentials by using Passage developer credentials. Using Passage developer credentials allows you to quickly and easily test social connections, but their usage is for testing purposes only but should not be used in a production environment.
Using Passage developer credentials may cause your app to behave differently than using your own custom credentials in both functionality and messaging.
For example, when using the Passage developer credentials, various authentication flows may display the Passage logo, name, and application information to your users. When using your own custom credentials you’ll be able to show your own app information instead as well as have more control over what kind of access you ask for from your users.