PassageError Class

Understand the errors thrown by Passage-JS


Passage-JS provides a custom error class that is used to manage all errors in the library. The PassageError class consists of the following attributes.

statusCode: numberThe HTTP status code returned from the API
statusText: stringText representation of the status code (e.g. “Bad Request”)
message: stringInformative message describing the specific error that occurred.

Catching Passage Errors

Import the PassageError class from @passageidentity/passage-js package.

import { Passage, PassageError } from '@passageidentity/passage-js';

Then you can catch errors in your frontend application like this.

try {
  // try to activate a magic link
  const res = await passage.magicLink.activate(magicLinkValue)
} catch (err: PassageError) {
  // this method may throw an error of "Not Found" if the magic link
  // is invalid or expired