Customize With Console

Learn how to customize the UI for <passage-auth>, <passage-login>, and <passage-register> elements to match your company's branding right from Console, no code needed.

Customizing the Element UI in Console

You can customize the UI for many pieces of the <passage-auth>, <passage-login>, and <passage-register>Passage Elements for each of your Passage Apps directly in Console.

<passage-profile> and <passage-passkey-table> do not support customization through Passage Console. To customize these elements use CSS variables and parts.

Light and dark theme

The elements support customization of both the light and dark theme. You can customize the element’s appearance individually for each theme and see a preview of the result of the customizations.

To help make consistent designs in the light and dark theme the console editor automatically keeps non-color values the same across both themes. If there are different non-color values you want to apply on a per-theme basis we recommend styling your themes with CSS.

Toggle between light and dark theme customization


Default theme values

PropertyLight Mode DefaultDark Mode Default
Container background color#FFFFFF#383838
Container max width300px300px
Header font familyHelveticaHelvetica
Body font familyHelveticaHelvetica
Header text color#222222#F3F3F3
Body text color#222222#F3F3F3
Input box border radius5px5px
Input box background color#FFFFFF#4B4B4B
Primary button border radius5px5px
Primary button background color#121212#121212
Primary button text color#F3F3F3#F3F3F3
Primary button hover color#4D4D4D#4D4D4D
Primary button border color#121212#121212
Primary button border width0px0px
Secondary button border radius5px5px
Secondary button background color#FFFFFF#FFFFFF
Secondary button text color#222222#222222
Secondary button hover color#D7D7D7#D7D7D7
Secondary button border color#D7D7D7#D7D7D7
Secondary button border width0px0px

Reset to defaults

If you’d like to reset the styles back to the original light and dark theme defaults, make a change in one of the fields and select “Reset to default”.

Element Customization Page with Reset to default

CSS variable hierarchy

All changes to element styling made in Console will be overridden by any CSS in your code. If you need to customize the elements beyond what is available in Console, we recommend only customizing with CSS. Learn how to customize the elements with CSS in your own code here.