Provides access to the Passage configuration, an instance of passage-js and other Passage functionality.
import { usePassageJS } from '@passageidentity/passage-react';
import { Passage, Session, User } from '@passageidentity/passage-js';
const MyComponent = () => {
// if using PassageProvider
const { passageInstance, currentSession, currentUser, appId, lang, defaultCountryCode } = usePassageJS();
// if not using PassageProvider
const { passageInstance, currentSession, currentUser, appId, lang, defaultCountryCode } = usePassageJS({
lang: 'en',
defaultCountryCode: 'us',
// other code using data or methods provided by usePassage
If using the PassageProvider to wrap your app, then you do not need to pass any parameters, unless you want to override a setting for this hook instance only.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
props | No | UsePassageHookProps | Passage Configuration |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
appId | No | string | Your Passage app id. |
defaultCountryCode | No | string | ISO Country code |
lang | No | string | Default language |
tokenStore | No | TokenStore | Custom token store instance |
Name | Type | Description |
appId | string | Your Passage app id. |
defaultCountryCode | string | ISO Country code |
lang | string | Default language |
passageInstance | passage-js | Instance of Passage |
getCurrentSession | GetCurrentSessionFn | The current users Passage Session |
getCurrentUser | GetCurrentUserFn | The current user |
signOut | PassageSignOutFn | Method than can be called to sign out the current user |