Multi-factor authentication
Use passkeys in addition to other forms of authentication to add an additional layer of security.
Complete the steps to create a Passage app and install the necessary SDKs.
Multi-factor registration
Register a second form of authentication for users. This can be done during registration or elsewhere in the app. You can make multi-factor authentication optional or required for users.
Passage recommends the industry standard of requiring users to set up at least two forms of authentication.
Get transaction ID
Get a transaction ID from the Passkey Flex Backend for each user. Learn more about transactions.
Create or retrieve the user in your database, then call Passkey Flex with the user’s external identifiers. You must create a unique external ID to associate with the user in your database and the Passage database.'/passkey/register', async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
// Create or retrieve the user in your database
const user = await User.create({
passageExternalId: "random-UIUD" // Save a unique passage identifier to each user.
const transactionID = await passage.createRegisterTransaction({
externalId: user.passageExternalId, // Same passage identifier saved to your DB
Learn more about the Node.js Flex SDK
Register passkey
Initialize a Passkey Flex instance using your app ID found in the Passage console.
Register the user using the transaction ID you retrieved in step 2.
import { PassageFlex } from '@passageidentity/passage-flex-js';
const passage = new PassageFlex(appID);
function async onCreatePasskeyClick() {
// Make a request to the server
const transactionID = // Result of request to example '/passkey/register' endpoint
// Register the new passkey to the user
const nonce = await passage.passkey.register(transactionID);
Learn more about the JavaScript Flex SDK
Passkey Flex triggers the WebAuthn flow and the passkey is created on the user’s device.
Validate the user
The Passkey Flex JavaScript library returns a nonce to your frontend. You can use the nonce to verify that Passage has registered the user successfully. Learn more about nonces.
Once verified you can then safely generate a token compatible with your system.'/user/verify', async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
const { nonce } = req.body;
try {
const externalId = await passage.verifyNonce(nonce);
auth_token: 'auth_token_or_other_auth_solution',
} catch (err) {
res.status(response.status).json({ error: 'Error' });
Learn more about the Node.js Flex SDK
Multi-factor authentication
Authenticate a user with a second form of verification during login. This can be required for all users or an option for users who have multiple authentication methods.
Get transaction ID
Get a transaction ID from the Passage Backend for each user. Learn more about transactions.
Upon succesfully authenticating a user with the first form of authentication, call Passage with the user’s external identifier.
import { PassageFlex } from '@passageidentity/passage-flex-node';
const passage = new PassageFlex({
appId: process.env.PASSAGE_APP_ID,
apiKey: process.env.PASSAGE_API_KEY,
});'/user/authenticate-with-passkey', async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
const user = // User authenticated with first form of authentication
// Use the user's identifier to retrieve a transaction ID.
// Can be any external identifier.
const transactionID = await passage.createAuthenticateTransaction({
externalId: "UUID-string"
return transactionID;
Learn more about the Node.js Flex SDK
Authenticate user
The WebAuthn flow needs to be triggered from the client to authenticate the passkey on the user’s device.
Initialize a Passage instance using your app ID found in Passage Console. Authenticate the user using the transaction ID you retrieved in step 2.
import { PassageFlex } from 'passage-flex-js';
const passage = new PassageFlex(appID);
async function onLoginClick() {
const transactionId = // Result of request to example '/user/authenticate-with-passkey' endpoint with `identifier`
const nonce = await passage.passkey.authenticate(transactionID);
const authResult = // Result of request to example '/user/verify` endpoint with `nonce`
Learn more about the JavaScript Flex SDK
Verify nonce & return auth identifier
From your server, verify the nonce
with the Passkey Flex backend SDK.'/user/verify', async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
const { nonce } = req.body;
try {
const externalId = await passage.verifyNonce(nonce);
auth_token: 'auth_token_or_other_auth_solution',
} catch (err) {
res.status(response.status).json({ error: 'Error' });
Learn more about the Node.js Flex SDK