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Passkey Flex dashboard

The Passkey Flex dashboard provides insight into your end users’ adoption and use of passkeys.

Total users with passkeys

This counts the total number of end users who have registered at least one passkey to their account. Each user is counted only once, regardless of the number of passkeys registered.

Total users with passkeys section in the Flex dashboard.An example of the Total users with passkeys section in the Flex dashboard.

Monthly active users

This counts the number of end users who have used a passkey at least once in the calendar month. Each user is counted only once, regardless of the number of passkeys registered or passkey logins.

Monthly active users are used to determine monthly billing. To learn more about billing, visit the Stripe page for your organization.

Monthly active users section in the Flex dashboard.An example of the Monthly active users section in the Flex dashboard.

Passkey authentication time

This is the time between a user being prompted to register or log in with a passkey and the passkey being successfully verified.

In the histogram chart, each passkey event is bucketed into the corresponding second, up to 20+ seconds. (I.e. an event that is completed in 3.4 seconds will be bucketed in the 3 second bar. An event that is completed in 21.3 seconds will be bucketed in the 20+ second bar.)

There are 3 lines on the histogram: the median and average, which are specific to your app’s dataset, and the average password authentication time, which is static and based on the average time for users to authenticate with a password across all apps and websites. This provides a benchmark for passkey performance compared to traditional password authentication.

Passkey authentication time section in the Flex dashboard.An example of the Passkey authentication time section in the Flex dashboard.

Incomplete passkey events over time

This counts the number of incomplete passkey events over a certain period of time. Incomplete passkey events can occur for a variety of reasons, such as users canceling out of the passkey browser or device UI.

It does not always indicate a bug, but a spike in incomplete events may be cause for investigation. For further details on the incomplete events, visit the Events page within the Passage console.

Incomplete passkey events over time section in the Flex dashboard.An example of the Incomplete passkey events over time section in the Flex dashboard.

Passkey usage by platform

This shows how frequently end users are using passkeys on each platform. Each use of a passkey is included, so the same passkey used by the same end user multiple times is counted each time.

Platforms in the “other” category include: BlackBerry, ChromeOS, FreeBSD, Linux, and WindowsPhone.

Passkey usage by platform section in the Flex dashboard.An example of the Passkey usage by platform section in the Flex dashboard.

Passkey usage over time

This shows how passkeys are adopted and used by your end users. Each use of a passkey is included, so the same passkey used by the same end user multiple times is counted each time.

The time period you select will influence a number of metrics and graphics in this section, including:

  • The total number of events shown at the top. This is the sum of all passkey registrations and logins that have taken place in that time period.
  • The percentage change comparison. This percentage change compares the number of events in the current period to the previous period. For example, if you select “past 30 days”, then May 1 - May 30 will be compared to April 1 - April 30.
    • When there isn't enough sufficient data, the percentage change won't be available.
  • The line graph.

You may also select or unselect the “Passkey register” and “Passkey login” checkboxes to control the data shown. When both are selected, the data is an aggregate of all passkeys registered and logged in with during the selected time period. If only one is selected, the data will adjust to reflect only registrations or logins.

Passkey usage over time section in the Flex dashboard.An example of the Passkey usage over time section in the Flex dashboard.

Passkey usage by geography

This shows what regions of the world your end users are most frequently using passkeys. Each use of a passkey is included, so the same passkey used by the same end user multiple times is counted each time.

The map graphic divides countries into regions based on, with some exceptions, those developed and maintained by the United Nations Statistics Division. Learn which countries are associated with each region → (opens in a new tab).

Passkey usage by geography section in the Flex dashboard.An example of the Passkey usage by geography section in the Flex dashboard.